Friday, April 9, 2010


I wrote this for someone in whom I put much faith. My ignorance caused me to be blind to their flaws. But now that Ihave come to see them for who they are, I am overwhelmed with dissapointment. The literal definition of the word "apocalypse" is "the lifting of the veil." So that explains the title. Personally, I hate this poem. I wrote it on the fly and it's all I have for this week. Sorry.

Such the babe, I bought the lie-
ill-constructed alibi.
Angelic face built to belie
the empty crevace deep inside.

Young, naive, I trusted you.
A guiding light, you saw me through
my darkest hours 'neath the moon,
to dawning sun and skies so blue.

But now the clouds are turning gray,
your angel wings begin to fade;
pernicious every word you say.
An entity no longer staid.

My mind is blank, my heart is numb;
for you, I've ceased to feel.
The time to lift the veil has come.
The truth shall be revealed.

1 comment:

  1. Uh. You might personally hate this poem, but I really like it. Much
